St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Upper School; Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

Lower School; Ludlow Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1EU

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved


OpEnter tOpen Evening for Early Years - 4th October 2022

Welcome to St Edburg's School

All are valued, all are loved

On behalf of the pupils, staff, parents and governors of St Edburg’s CE Primary School, I am delighted to welcome you to our website. We look forward to meeting your child and am sure that this will be an enriching, inspirational and successful experience for them.

St Edburg’s is an ambitious school, that has served the local community since 1850. Our school bell, travelled with our school when it relocated to Kingsmere in 2016. Engraved on the bell are two dates 1850 and 2016 in recognition of the history of the school. Each morning you will hear our historic bell ringing across the estate at the beginning of the day!

Our most recent Ofsted Inspection recognised that ‘Pupils are happy to belong to this welcoming community” (Ofsted 2022). Where the “Leaders have designed an interesting and ambitious curriculum to give pupils the knowledge and skills they need to be successful.” (Ofsted 2022). All of our stakeholders share in our high expectations and highly value our family ethos. "Pupils are positive about their learning and delight in their personal and academic growth." (SIAMS Inspection 2023)

The school is three-forms of entry educating over 550 pupils aged 2-11 across our two school sites, the Lower and Upper Schools. Our school’s distinctive Christian vision effectively underpins all that we strive for. Our Vision, inspired by Luke 2:10, is for everyone in the St Edburg's family to feel valued and loved by God. At our school we empower our children to shine as lights in the darkness, just like the shepherds, appreciating the world around them and becoming courageous advocates for positive change in our school, our local community and the wider world. Everyone is included in the St Edburg's daily, inspired to make positive change and encouraged to interact with the community around us.

At St Edburg's CE Primary School all are valued , all are loved.

All St Edburg’s School asks of you, is your dedication to improving the prospects of our pupils and your support in making our school the pride of its community.

You are joining our school at a very exciting time in the school’s history. With the school's second site on Ludlow Road now open, we are pleased to be able to serve even more families in our local area!

I look forward to sharing the school’s successes with you.

Mr Andrew Terrey



Tweets by StEds_Primary

Creative Commons Music by Jason Shaw on

Latest St Edburg's School Calendar, School Calendar Events

UKS2 Homework Extravaganza02Apr2025

1:00 am - 2:00 am

9.30am for Year 6 Parents 10am for Year 5 Parents

Bowel Cancer Awareness04Apr2025

1:00 am - 2:00 am

Football Shirt/Fitness Friday - donations to Bowel Cancer Awareness

Last Day of Term 404Apr2025

1:00 am - 2:00 am

Back to School - First Day of Term 522Apr2025

1:00 am - 2:00 am

Climate Change Week22Apr2025

1:00 am - 25 apr, 2:00 am

Calendars page(s): St Edburg's School Calendar >> School Calendar >>

Latest News

  • We welcomed Nick Butterworth to our school! See our World Book Day Special Report.
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