St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

  1. News
  2. Good News Week - 16th July 2024

Good News Week - 16th July 2024

17 July 2024 (by webmaster)

Inclusion Quality Mark – Centre of Excellence. St Edburg’s School has been listed as a Centre of Excellence by the Inclusion Quality Mark Assessors for the second year running.

Inclusion Quality Mark – Centre of Excellence

St Edburg’s School has been listed as a Centre of Excellence by the Inclusion Quality Mark Assessors for the second year running.  Inclusion Quality Mark is a nationally recognised confirmation of the school's inclusive practice and ongoing commitment to developing educational inclusion.  St Edburg’s Church of England Primary School is a truly inclusive school, driven by strong values.  Our Assessor felt it was a pleasure to spend time in such a lovely, calm, welcoming, warm environment with happy children and happy staff who work collaboratively with parents, Governors and the local community to make up the St Edburg’s strong family.

The report also commented “Students are very proud of their school and feel their voice is heard and valued.  One student said; “school is a comfortable safe place” and “school is so fun, I love it”.  “Parents describe the Headteacher as ‘an inspiration to our children’ as he “greets every single child by name.”