St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Please contact Delivery Team on
0113 3200 750 if you have any queries.

Upper School; Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

Lower School; Ludlow Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1EU

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

Supported Learning at Home

Remote Education Provision: Information for Parents


Home Learning Devices

Whilst Class Dojo can be accessed from any mobile device with internet access, it is preferable that children have access to a device such as a tablet or laptop to complete some of the remote learning work.

If your child does not have access to a device such as a laptop or tablet to use for Remote Learning, and you are unable to acquire one, the school does have a few devices available for this purpose.  

Please contact the School Office for more information on this.