St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Upper School; Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

Lower School; Ludlow Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1EU

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

A Curriculum of Challenge

“But the angels said to them, “Do not be afraid, I bring you good news that

will cause great joy for all people.” 

 Luke 2:10 

 All are valued, all are loved.  

St Edburg’s Challenge Manifesto

Challenge at St Edburg’s means providing consistent opportunities for all children to deepen their learning and flourish as young people – taking risks, problem solving, building resilience and showing determination. We are unapologetically ambitious for everyone in our St Edburg’s family.



We are proud members of the National Association of Able Children in Education (NACE) and believe that by meeting the needs of our more and most able (MMA) learners and embedding a culture of challenge, all pupils are enabled to reach their potential. Our curriculum, including our enrichment programme, enables all pupils to deepen their learning. Across the school we‘teach to the top,’ scaffolding and supporting learning where necessary.

What does the word ‘challenge’ mean in our school?

  • Encouraging children to explain their thinking, deepening understanding
  • Motivating children to take risks - celebrating mistakes and learning from the
  • Developing mental toughness and resilience – learning is difficult!
  • Inviting children to step out of their ‘comfort zone’ into the ‘learning zone’

For more information please click here for our More and Most Able Policy

Celebrating our efforts

At St Edburg’s, we celebrate achievement and effort across the whole of our curriculum. This is done through a variety of rewards, for example:

  • Weekly celebrations assemblies
  • Recognition of outside achievements
  • Table points
  • House points
  • Merits (UKS2)
  • Sharing achievements on social media and Class Dojo
  • Inviting parents in to celebrate class work each term
  • Inviting parents and carers into school to celebrate homework each term (UKS2)

To see our enrichment offer click here.