St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Upper School; Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

Lower School; Ludlow Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1EU

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

School Uniform

Wearing a school uniform gives the children both a sense of pride and belonging.

The school shield reflects our Christian ethos and shows a Bible and a Crook. The Bible reminds us that we learn wisdom and the crook reminds us of Jesus, The Good Shepherd.

We encourage the children to take care of their belongings and to take responsibility of their uniform and kit whilst it is in school. The information below is the minimum standards that we expect all children to follow.

 The school holds samples of uniform so that you can compare sizes but we do not sell uniform. School uniform carrying the school crest can be ordered from the link at the bottom of this page. The company makes regular deliveries to school which reduces delivery costs to parents.

Every item needs to be named please - you can use iron on or sew in labels or simply write it on the garment label. Doing this means lost items are easier to re-unite with their owners.

Lost Property

We make every attempt to return named items to the children within school. Un-named items are stored in the box by the main hall where children can look to see if their missing items are there. Each term the box is emptied and any re-useable items are placed in the schools spare uniform store or donated to charity.

Uniform Policy

The Basics:

  • White polo shirt
  • Grey skirt, grey pinafore dress, grey trousers or grey shorts. Please note that skirts should be an appropriate length.
  • Burgundy (not red) cardigan or jumper.
  • Tights - grey or black. Please note girls are not permitted to wear leggings under skirts.
  • Burgundy and white or red and white checked dress in the summer months.
  • Fleeces:  Children may wear a school fleece but this is an outdoor garment and should not be worn in the classroom.


  • Children may wear black trainers or black shoes. Shoes must be low heeled and support the foot. Dolly shoes and backless shoes are not permitted. Trainers should not have logos or markings.
  • Boots are not permitted in the classroom – children must have a change of footwear if boots are the outdoor footwear.


On PE days, children should wear their school PE uniform:

  • A plain white round necked T shirt with or without the school logo.
  • Plain black or plain burgundy shorts (no stripes or logos) for indoor PE and outdoor Summer PE.
  • Plain (no stripes or logos) black joggers or plain(no stripes or logos) black sports leggings for outdoor PE
  • Trainers – these must be suitable for outside wear and can be the same as the child’s outside trainers or they can be appropriate sports trainers of any colour
  • School jumpers should be worn over their plain T-shirt.
  • Hoodies should not be worn (Year 6 may wear their Year 6 Leavers’ Hoodies as agreed with their class teacher)


Pupils take part in swimming lessons once in Key Stage 2. Girls should wear a single piece costume and boys should wear trunks. Bikinis and swimming shorts are not permitted. Swimming goggles are permitted and parents are asked to sign a permission form for this which is sent out with other swimming information.


No jewellery is allowed apart from small, plain, stud earrings (gold or silver) and an appropriate watch. Earrings should not be worn on swimming or PE days.

Make Up/Hair:

  • Nail varnish and make up are not permitted in school.
  • Hair should be of a natural colour only.
  • Long hair should be tied back at all times. Hair accessories should be discrete and in school colours.
  • Short hair cuts should be appropriate for school i.e. no inappropriate “tram lines” or Mohican style cuts.

Religious Dress: 

Girls in year 5 and 6 who wish to wear a hijab may do so which can be either black or burgundy. 

Mobile Phones:

We understand that parents of pupils in year 5 or 6 may wish their child to have a mobile phone if they are walking home from school on their own. Pupils must hand in their phone to their class teacher who will store the phone in the class. Children are not allowed to make calls, send texts or listen to their device whilst on the school premises.

Non School Uniform Days:

Occasionally the school has a non uniform day. Children may wear their home clothes but the rules about shoes and jewellery remain.