St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Upper School; Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

Lower School; Ludlow Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1EU

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

 Our History

St Edburg's School was first opened in June 1859.

The Rev. John Watts, Vicar of St Edburg's, was the Chairman of the Committee to plan and build the school. His name was inscribed on the Foundation Stone which was laid in July 1858.

The school was originally housed in what later became the hall. This room was divided into two classrooms separating girls and boys who also had separate playgrounds!  The Master lived in the school house.

In more modern times the school became Bicester Secondary School. In 1953 the Secondary School moved to the site now occupied by Bicester School and St Edburgs's continued as a Church of England (Aided) Primary School, benefiting from an extension in 1972 and extensive rebuilding that opened in 1994. The school's substantial new extension incorporated the older buildings as well as offering an open ‘shared area’.

 An artist’s impression of the original school in a style typical of its day with high, gothic windows and separate entrances for boys and girls.



Over 150 years after the school was first opened, it was agreed that the new school planned for the Kingsmere site should be St Edburg’s School.

It took over eight years from that agreement to the opening as the down turn in the housing market caused long delays. However, the great day came in January 2016 when finally, the children and staff began a new chapter in a wonderful new building!

The design of the school looks like an angel and is facing out onto the community. We like to think that our school is embracing the community that it serves and is announcing that here is a place where children are valued and loved, and where learning is tangible!


September 2024

In September 2024 the school opened a second site on Ludlow Road. The Ludlow Road site is referred to as the Lower School with accommodation designed for Nursery through to Year 2. The Pioneer Way site is referred to as the Upper School and accommodates Years 3 through to Year 6. St Edburg's CE Primary School will be fully three-form of entry in September 2029.


We have strong links with St Edburg's Church in Bicester where our children regularly attend services.  Information about St Edburg's can be found here