St Edburg's CE Primary School

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01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

  1. News
  2. Good News Week - 18th July 2024

Good News Week - 18th July 2024

18 July 2024 (by webmaster)

School Games Gold Award 2024/2024 We are delighted to announce that St Edburg’s School have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the second year in a row!

School Games Gold Award 2024/2024

We are delighted to announce that St Edburg’s School have achieved the School Games GOLD Mark Award for the second year in a row! 

Miss Butler – PE Lead at St Edburg’s School said “The Gold Mark reflects our commitment to PE, Physical Activity and School Sport. We are proud that all children are provided with their ‘Active 30’ minutes of vigorous activity each day, and more.  We track the activity level beyond curriculum time with our new enrichment programme which is a mix of open invitation clubs and more and most able (MMA) clubs including dance, handball, triathlon, netball, cricket, boxing and more. Our staff are dedicated to delivering 2 hours of high-quality curriculum PE each week, as well as providing opportunities for leadership, showcased by our Sports Captains and Y6s. We are proud of our children’s achievements and will continue to support them in developing a lifelong passion for physical activity. Well done, team!”