Nursery Costs and Funding 2025-2026
Nursery Costs
There are a range of funded childcare options available to Nursery parents.
Information about eligibility can be found by following this link:
Children who are eligible for funding will be provided with a funding code which you will need to give to the school. If you do not have a funding code then you will be charged for childcare in our Nursery.
Childcare funding codes need to be applied and provided to the school in advance of your child's start date. Time scales are explained on the website above. It is the parent’s responsibility to ensure you have made your applications and checked your eligibility.
Please note that all 3-4-year-olds are entitled to 15 hours of free childcare, and as this is a universal offer, no codes are required.
No Funding Code:
If you have a nursery place but do not have a funding code or only have a funding code for part of you sessions then the costs for each session are detailed in the document below. Invoices for non funded sessions will be sent monthly in advance.
School Lunches
Children with a 30 hour place will eat lunch at school. School meals cost £2.90 each and need to be booked in advance by parents, alternatively your child can eat a packed lunch provided from your home.
Wrap Around Options:
Please see the below document for information about wrap around and additional hours childcare for 2025-2026 for both 2 year old and 3 year old children.