St Edburg's CE Primary School

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Upper School; Pioneer Way, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1BF

Lower School; Ludlow Road, Bicester, Oxfordshire, OX26 1EU

01869 252393

St Edburg's CE Primary School

All are valued, all are loved

British Values

What are the British values?

Alongside our school vision ‘All are valued, all are loved,’ the fundamental British values of democracy, rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs are promoted in many areas of our curriculum. Through living these values, our aim is for all members of the St Edburg’s family to become valuable members of society with a passion for courageous advocacy.


At St Edburg’s, democracy is promoted in the following ways:

  • Our School Council meets regularly, with two representatives from each class elected democratically
  • Our School Councillors help make decisions and collect class views which they bring to their meetings
  • We have regular voting in classrooms i.e. who should wear the ‘Superhero’ cape, which book to read at the end of the day
  • Each year begins with children applying for a role or responsibility within school
  • Weekly ‘Picture News’ explores a variety of current news issues - these are dealt with in class worships
  • History curriculum deals with law throughout the ages
  • Each child has their own ‘Class Charter’ - rules to live by

Regular pupil voice feedback is gathered – children have ‘their say’

The rule of law

At St Edburg’s, the rule of law is promoted in the following ways:

  • Our school vision and values underpin everything that we do
  • Our collective worships teach pupils the importance of our school values
  • We have displays of our school values in each class
  • The reflection books in each class demonstrate how we live out our values daily
  • We give out ‘values’ awards in each celebration worship to the children who have displayed the term’s values
  • Restorative conversations are used to repair relationships when our values are not followed
  • ‘Rules’ are discussed within topic sessions i.e. Should Goldilocks be Punished?
  • Our school council go on a trip to Parliament each year
  • ELSA work throughout school focuses on the important of children being heard

Anti-Bullying Ambassadors help children who may struggle at play times

Individual Liberty

At St Edburg’s, individual liberty is promoted in the following ways:


  • Our PSHCE curriculum teaches children to make the right choices in a safe environment
  • E-safety is explicitly taught at the start of each computing topic
  • Junior Citizen teaches our Year 6s to make the ‘right’ choices when presented with a range of ‘real-life’ situations
  • Child-led learning for our younger children where amendments are made to take children’s own interests into account
  • Children are encouraged to take risks within a managed environment
  • Anti-Bullying Week demonstrates commitment to a child’s right to express themselves freely
  • Play leaders help our younger children to choose wisely
  • ‘Zones of Regulation’ encourages children to regulate their emotions and make the ‘right’ choices for themselves

NATRE Spirited Arts competition promotes freedom of spiritual expression


Mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs

At St Edburg’s, mutual respect and tolerance is promoted in the following ways:


  • Our whole-school pedagogy involves inclusive teaching and learning across the curriculum
  • Reading curriculum is purposely diverse with a range of authors, main characters and subject matter across each year group
  • Our RE curriculum encourages questions about the world around us
  • International Day promotes an understanding of different cultures and traditional relevant to our demographic
  • Right of the Child recognises differences and understanding of differences
  • Spanish curriculum embraces culture and traditions across the world
  • International Day encourages understanding of differences
  • Celebration worships ensure we value each others’ achievements

Many faiths are covered during collective worship