Upper Key Stage 2 (Years 5 & 6)
There are so many fantastic websites available for children to continue their learning at home. Please follow the links below to help your child to develop their skills and knowledge further:
Primary Homework Help | Online Games For Kids - BBC Bitesize
Primary Teaching Resources - BBC Teach
News & Views - Free Activities for Young People to do At Home - News - Into Film
Double Double This That - YouTube
Resources - Schools (chesterzoo.org)
Mental Maths Tests and Games (topmarks.co.uk)
Times Table Rockstars- log in required - Children in years 4,5 &6 have their own personal log in details. Knowing your times tables supports you in EVERY other area of maths. Fluency in times table recall is VITAl. If you have lost your login contact the class teacher.
Times Tables Rock Stars: Play (ttrockstars.com)
Corbettmaths Primary – Primary 5-a-day, videos, worksheets and more
MathsBot.com - Tools for Maths Teachers
Maths resources for teachers | White Rose Maths
ICT & Maths development through coding
Scratch - Imagine, Program, Share (mit.edu) -
This is a website that allows children to use code to create games. Please look at the information for parents at:
Scratch - For Parents (mit.edu)
[FREE] Fluent in Five Years 1-6 (Weeks 1-6) - Third Space Learning
HomePage - FREE help & support for Key Stage 2 Maths (myminimaths.co.uk)
Primary Maths Challenge - Primary Mathematics Challenge
Fantastic English resources at Pobble
English Lessons taught by Jane Considine The Training Space - YouTube
Oxford Owl for Home: help your child learn at home - Oxford Owl
Home - The World of David Walliams
10 Early Years Science Activities EYFS (firstdiscoverers.co.uk)
Teaching science through stories - primary (stem.org.uk)
Art Resources to Use at Home (accessart.org.uk)
Family days out, activities and attractions | National Trust
Religious Education
The National Association of Teachers of Religious Education has provided a number of downloadable resources for home learning, covering the different World Religions
Teaching resources for Key Stage 2 (KS2) (natre.org.uk)
The BBC have provided many excellent resources to help children to learn about aspects of the different World Religions.
KS2 Religious Studies - BBC Teach
SATs Tests
English Revision
Maths Revision
NCETM Maths Mastery Assessment questions
Past Papers and tests
National curriculum assessments: practice materials- past papers
All past SATs papers 2016-2022